Phenomenal. It prompted me to become a paid subscriber. I will send this URL to my daughter who doesn't really believe me when I tell her things like this. My only comment is POL stands for Petroleum, Oils, and Lubricants.. I was in the Air Force during Vietnam. I know.

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THE PUNCHLINE: A WISE PRACTICE OF DEMOCRACY DID NOT BRING DOWN NIXON OR END KISSINGER'S CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, THE VIET NAM AND CAMBODIA HOLOCAUST. IT TOOK A BUNGLED BURLARY. Americans are asleep at the wheel and always have been. In our time, the media and the Internet has given citizens the false idea that they can understand and manage the country. . . Daniel Ellsberg, rest in peace.

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Seymour Hersh also wrote about his friend, Mr. Ellsberg. in his Substack. It's sad that the people who run the world are such monsters. Thankfully, in democracies, we're not quite at the full stage where we'll get the midnight knock on the door. It's coming though.

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Interesting that despite Ellsberg's reveal of Kissinger's callousness, Kissinger later took Ellsworth's point of view in opposing Nixon's plan to nuke Viet Nam, pointing out he was trying to prevent the world from seeing N (and the rest of us) as butchers.

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