Walter Bowart author of Operation Mind Control (1978) about MK*ltra program was a close personal friend. after the book was published in UK it disappeared completely. My best guess is the C*A simply bought up all the copies and the rights or something similar. As a literary agent I had similar experiences with 2 or 3 other works. Frank White wrote a book "Revolution" - easily sold to Bantam or similar in NYC for some neat sum - I was then approached by the story scout for American International Pictures !!! to sell it and I sold the film rights to them. I never heard of the book again. Did not sell rights in UK. Mick Farren ran the UK stoned underground newspaper IT - drugs, rock-n-roll, rebellion, Robert Crumb, the whole thing. We sold his book WATCH OUT KIDS to a new MacMillan imprint but they just sat on it I think - I think it never appeared. The autobiography of Buttons, president of Hells Angels England, we also sold - I think I saw it in the shops for a few days then no more. When the internet was created in the 90s and I tried to find Walter no-one could find any copies of his book - they were being offered for US$300. Someone- I think he - sent me a pdf which I have. He was also a personal friend of Tim Leary, and founded the world first counterculture underground paper The East Village Other. He gave evidence to a Senate hearing saying LSD was beneficial and healthy and should be freed.
All those books should be reprinted if possible. Catch and kill. Like how the National Enquirer bought the stories from the Playboy Bunny and the Porn star who slept with that The Apprenticeship Host running for president the story could be killed...not ran.
They still want to hide everything old and new....
Ft. Detrich farmed out its wicked experiments to Ukraine and Moldova and Poland, yada yada yada. But I think they STILL have not disposed of their bw stock, it is so onerous a chore. This is just in case you think the USA lives by the "rules" it established in lieu of international law for the rest of the world.
A very important work by author Walter Bowart, the book "Operation Mind Control" is currently available FREE for reading online or download at A link is below. A must-read for those attempting a deep dive into the CIA,
Authority without accountability corrupts absolutely. As an intel vet, I couldn't comprehend the scope of participation until I discovered how much intel work is outsourced to privatized contractors.
psilocybin works much better on expanding consciousness...and it is natural...THC increases TRPV1 in humans...mix in some quantum entanglement...better than Gehelen & Gottlieb without permanent rabies some of them have...only species of vampire bat in which rabies is airborne...guano In nitrates & gunpowder from Americas...
And so, Timothy Francis Leary became a household name amongst the crowd I hung out with. Lysergic acid diethylamide (screw the hyphens 😑) was already proliferating through North America in my teens. As I played drums on stages in a “Heavy Metal/Alternative Pop” rock band from age 11 through 27*, that scene was in my face. My opinion about this hallucinogenic compound, at least that which was within the acid blotters, sugar cubes, and sublingual flakes was not what we might (now hesitantly😑) call 🤡”pharmaceutical grade”, nor was it dosed with any regard to the effects on the potential consumer. It was often multiple times more potent than anything that should have been used in human trials, let alone available on the streets. And now I buy high THC cannabis oils in vaporizer cartridges at the store beside SAFEWAY when I’m getting groceries. I’m obviously showing my age.
Walter Bowart author of Operation Mind Control (1978) about MK*ltra program was a close personal friend. after the book was published in UK it disappeared completely. My best guess is the C*A simply bought up all the copies and the rights or something similar. As a literary agent I had similar experiences with 2 or 3 other works. Frank White wrote a book "Revolution" - easily sold to Bantam or similar in NYC for some neat sum - I was then approached by the story scout for American International Pictures !!! to sell it and I sold the film rights to them. I never heard of the book again. Did not sell rights in UK. Mick Farren ran the UK stoned underground newspaper IT - drugs, rock-n-roll, rebellion, Robert Crumb, the whole thing. We sold his book WATCH OUT KIDS to a new MacMillan imprint but they just sat on it I think - I think it never appeared. The autobiography of Buttons, president of Hells Angels England, we also sold - I think I saw it in the shops for a few days then no more. When the internet was created in the 90s and I tried to find Walter no-one could find any copies of his book - they were being offered for US$300. Someone- I think he - sent me a pdf which I have. He was also a personal friend of Tim Leary, and founded the world first counterculture underground paper The East Village Other. He gave evidence to a Senate hearing saying LSD was beneficial and healthy and should be freed.
psylisibin works better
than LSD to unlock mind
Get in touch: (reply here if willing?)
story on MK <ra
All those books should be reprinted if possible. Catch and kill. Like how the National Enquirer bought the stories from the Playboy Bunny and the Porn star who slept with that The Apprenticeship Host running for president the story could be killed...not ran.
They still want to hide everything old and new....
It would not surprise me to find the CIA, Pentagon, or Corporations continue in these practices. The Covid-19 virus could well be a CRISPR Critter.
They absolutely still are.
How many of the mass shootings are a result of the mind control efforts by CIA operatives ?!?
Probably most of them
Probably most of them. Here are some of the CIA experiments. Most produced killers.
Ft. Detrich farmed out its wicked experiments to Ukraine and Moldova and Poland, yada yada yada. But I think they STILL have not disposed of their bw stock, it is so onerous a chore. This is just in case you think the USA lives by the "rules" it established in lieu of international law for the rest of the world.
A very important work by author Walter Bowart, the book "Operation Mind Control" is currently available FREE for reading online or download at A link is below. A must-read for those attempting a deep dive into the CIA,
The book “Poisoner In Chief” should be available at BAM for around $7. Its about Sidney Gottlieb... its a good read.
Authority without accountability corrupts absolutely. As an intel vet, I couldn't comprehend the scope of participation until I discovered how much intel work is outsourced to privatized contractors.
42USC1985 Civil Rights Conspiracy
psilocybin works much better on expanding consciousness...and it is natural...THC increases TRPV1 in humans...mix in some quantum entanglement...better than Gehelen & Gottlieb without permanent rabies some of them have...only species of vampire bat in which rabies is airborne...guano In nitrates & gunpowder from Americas...
This is Mengele class evil
I got a 404 when I clicked the link
And so, Timothy Francis Leary became a household name amongst the crowd I hung out with. Lysergic acid diethylamide (screw the hyphens 😑) was already proliferating through North America in my teens. As I played drums on stages in a “Heavy Metal/Alternative Pop” rock band from age 11 through 27*, that scene was in my face. My opinion about this hallucinogenic compound, at least that which was within the acid blotters, sugar cubes, and sublingual flakes was not what we might (now hesitantly😑) call 🤡”pharmaceutical grade”, nor was it dosed with any regard to the effects on the potential consumer. It was often multiple times more potent than anything that should have been used in human trials, let alone available on the streets. And now I buy high THC cannabis oils in vaporizer cartridges at the store beside SAFEWAY when I’m getting groceries. I’m obviously showing my age.
Now they use twitter bots
These terrible practices have continued with the CIA and it has only gotten worse. Please ask Congress and @potus to abolish the CIA!
Read the book “Chaos” by Tom O’Neill
Good grief!
desmodus rotundus version...
Thank you - I've updated the text